Why do business owners need contracts?

take control of your legals

Contracts bring clarity, trust, and protection… helping to make an entrepreneurial journey more successful and secure.

Our law firm founder and Chief Contract Enthusiast Verity White, had the pleasure of being a guest of Nicole Smith, on the Take Control Podcast.

She explains why contracts are essential for business owners and how they can make professional relationships more successful. Discover the benefits of automating your business practices and learn about Verity's step-by-step process for bringing on contractors, employees, and clients.

Plus, find out why breaking contracts into easy-to-understand sections is a game-changer.

Let's unlock the power of contracts and automation to take your business to new heights!

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If you're ready to dive deeper into the world of contracts and unleash your legal superpowers, look no further than Verity White's book, "Create Contracts Clients Love."

This enlightening guide is packed with

  1. valuable insights

  2. practical tips

  3. step-by-step guidance

It help you craft contracts that not only protect your interests but also resonate with your clients.

For those who prefer to listen on the go, we have an exciting treat for you.

“Verity's audiobook version of "Create Contracts Clients Love" is now available on Audible.

Immerse yourself in Verity's captivating narration as she shares her expertise, insider knowledge, and inspiring stories.

The audiobook offers a convenient way to absorb the valuable content and transform your approach to contracts.

To get your hands on the book or audiobook, simply visit the following links:

Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your contract game!

Remember, contracts don't have to be intimidating. With Verity's guidance, you'll gain the confidence to create contracts that truly stand out.

Happy reading or listening!

Want some extra assistance? 

If you want to chat about your assistance in your contract, reach out for a free no obligation chat with a friendly Checklist Legal lawyer today.

Verity White

Verity White is an Accredited Specialist in Commercial Law and the Legal Director at Checklist Legal, a B Corp certified law firm, that specialises in human-centred contract operations.

Verity is the author of Create Contracts Clients Love and an Honorary Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne where she taught Contract Design for Automation .

Connect with Verity on LinkedIn and Instagram for more details on her current projects.


Meet Magenta: Our A.I. powered Contracts Chatbot


Legal Design VS Contract Design Our founder Verity on Legal Creatives Podcast