Ep 04 How to delegate like Beyoncé

Checklist Legal Podcast Ep 04 How to delegate like Beyoncé

Delegate like a diva

Today’s show is all about the Delegate like Beyoncé checklist. You can listen below on SoundCloud.

Key Takeaways

Delegate like a Diva checklist can now be found in Verity’s book Create Contracts Clients Love. Which is available for download via our digital store.

Or via this Nozbe link: https://nozbe.how/Hnm7x

Actionable Challenge

Think of a task that you really dislike doing at work or at home. Using the checklist, run through each item thinking specifically about that task and see if you can find different minions to delegate tasks to.

Links from this episode

Here are links to sources from this episode of the

Checklist Legal Podcast and background information:


Clear Legal Info


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