Canva’s New Text to Image App

We check out Canva’s new Text to Image app and discover how AI is predicting the future of law.

By now you’ve probably seen or maybe using some of the new AI technology for copy but have you seen the new text-to-image applications? In this video, our founder and chief contract enthusiast Verity White tries out the new Text to Image App in Canva. What does AI think a lawyer looks like in the future? Can we change the future? Let’s see…

Watch Verity try out Canva’s new text to image app

YouTube Video. About Testing Canva’s new Text to Image

Video Transcript

Verity here from Checklist Legal and today I'm going to road test a new app in Canva which is called text image created by an organization called Stable Diffusion. Now I've clicked yes. And I have to agree to the privacy policy, which I actually quite like. I always click on these three and I'm not sure if you do, but great starting point, right?

“Be a good human” is so nice… actually a good start to the relationship I think. What I'm going to do is create an image I'm going to type in you know it's text to image. So hopefully it does what it says on the books. I'm going to type in some things and see what images come out and you can join me on this adventure.

I've never used this before, so the image that I want to say, what do I want to see? I want to see a lawyer of the future. Lawyer of the future. Do you think that will make sense? Okay. So my lawyer of the future living in how far in the future should we go? 2050, living in 2050.

Choose your style. Do we want… surprise me? Photo drawing day painting pattern concept that I'm, um, I think like a photo to start with a lawyer of the future living in 2050. Here we go. I'm nervous. I wonder what they will think that a lawyer from the future living in 2050 would look like. Hopefully it's female. Fingers crossed.

I might speed this bit up in the video. Okay. It's a dude. All right, so what have they come up with here? There's a dude. No. Oh, that's upsetting. All right. This does not look that much different than today, does it? Although I feel like the faces may be more accurate. All right, good try. First try, let's start again.

We'll say woman lawyer, woman lawyer. The future is female. Oh, my gosh. I kind of think of women lawyers of the future and will say interacting with legal technology and working with clients with happy clients have clients, right. Whoever says no, we won't say surprised me. I'm glad. And I suppose I will try painting this time. Okay. Woman Lawyer All right.

Although interesting air and this is one of the things that they do say in their warning notice, not in the warning notice, but in the public release notice. They talk about the fact that, you know, this is based you know, there will be some societal biases. Okay, here we go… Is a woman… She's happy… That's a nice woman. Lawyer of the future, living in 2050, interacting with legal technology and working with happy clients.

Let me go. I like the fact that there is some artwork there. It's interesting that that's kind of what they came up with. I know if we can get the other men on the back again. Cool we'll get so we'll do we'll keep those as well. First try we'll add in these ones.

So I don't know if the Internet thinks that legal technology is painting. I don't know where the painting pot came from. Um, that's interesting. Women and lawyers are still wearing suits, so we obviously need to try to update some of those stereotypes. What else will we try? Female Lawyer I mean, I think. Female Lawyer Because it's not a female lawyer and maybe will say interacting with legal technology is happy clients say futuristic, futuristic.

This time we'll do what we do? We've done photography, we've done painting, maybe what you concept that this. Okay here we go there what we come up with so stable diffusion does have some great information here. They actually even thank the legal team here, which is great, this thinking of the legal team in the other bits and pieces, but it's all open, which is great, really transparent.

Some of the amazing images that are created. Okay, here we go. A bit more concept art here. So futuristic female lawyer Well, I kind of like this one. It's fun that it’s interacting with legal technology with happy clients. Okay. Oh, this is fun. This is kind of like, yeah, all right, I'm digging these ones a bit better. Um, interesting. And so one of the reasons why I wanted to show this was because having worked with a few different legal tech companies and in particular a legal tech company and helping them teach the artificial intelligence engine how to speak plain language, it made me realize how much we might sit back and say, AI, whatever.

It doesn't impact me, however we will be. We're on the receiving end of a lot of this art, and unless we actively get involved and start trying to teach it the way that we want to see the world, is this the future of lawyers that you want to see? It looks very similar to what we have currently, to my mind, although I kind of like this one more a bit more paint brushes in the law office, and then this one, at least everyone's kind of working together.

I like the idea that there's some kind of concept art technology, iPad or iPad or hovering thing. So unless you get involved in legal tech now, then you will find that you will be having these types of images foisted upon you. And this is the reality and this is what I will produce for you and you won't understand.

How did they come up with this? What made them decide that paint art is legal technology? And that's why it's so important to get involved with it early and now so that we can create the future that we want to see in technology and not just have it happen to us. Interested in your thoughts and feel free to test this out.

It's in Canva text to image and there's lots of other cool things happening and I just thought that would be a fun one that you could try at home.

If you’ve tried out this app let us know what you think below in the comments or reach out to us on Instagram @checklistlegal or Linkedin. We would love to chat about all things futuristic in law and legal tech.

Verity White

Verity White is an Accredited Specialist in Commercial Law and the Legal Director at Checklist Legal, a B Corp certified law firm, that specialises in human-centred contract operations.

Verity is the author of Create Contracts Clients Love and an Honorary Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne where she taught Contract Design for Automation .

Connect with Verity on LinkedIn and Instagram for more details on her current projects.


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